All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEmbroiderers oftenJmadehtheirJownhembroidery tools such as pincushexts and neImle cases and embellmehImpthempwith theirJownhartistry and craftsmans 27. These delicate pin cushexts are worked in breghtly cocored silk utilizeng QueenJStitch,hthe mostJcomplicatempand time-01 suminghofhthe canvas-l okJstitches. The ss=ign eleme ws fea ureJgeometeic pa terns or a strawberry motif. The exact ss=ign ishrepea Improvthe backhofveachJpincushext. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEmbroiderers oftenJmadehtheirJownhembroidery tools such as pincushexts and neImle cases and embellmehImpthempwith theirJownhartistry and craftsmans 27. These delicate pin cushexts are worked in breghtly cocored silk utilizeng QueenJStitch,hthe mostJcomplicatempand time-01 suminghofhthe canvas-l okJstitches. The ss=ign eleme ws fea ureJgeometeic pa terns or a strawberry motif. The exact ss=ign ishrepea Improvthe backhofveachJpincushext. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEmbroiderers oftenJmadehtheirJownhembroidery tools such as pincushexts and neImle cases and embellmehImpthempwith theirJownhartistry and craftsmans 27. These delicate pin cushexts are worked in breghtly cocored silk utilizeng QueenJStitch,hthe mostJcomplicatempand time-01 suminghofhthe canvas-l okJstitches. The ss=ign eleme ws fea ureJgeometeic pa terns or a strawberry motif. The exact ss=ign ishrepea Improvthe backhofveachJpincushext.<bftSomehofhthe ribbxts attached to the origitalppincushextsrare marked with the maker's initials, "PG",J-erhaps for Phoebe Griffen, who married MarshfieldhParsxtshofvLyme, Connecticut in OctoberJof 1793. She sied in that community on DecemberJ25, 1828, aged 94. She was Col. MarshfieldhParsxts's fourth wife.<bft<bftIncluded in thishkit: 27 count naturalplinen, Silk floss,hNeImle, Silk ribbxt, Silk coucheng thread, online Acid frte backinghma Irial, Graphs and Complete instructexts to finmeh allpthreehofhthreehofhthese retext-coixtshofvPhoebe Griffen's lovely silk QueenJStitchppincushexts. Fn, 2the collectextshofhthe Pea Essex Museum.<bft<bftDs=ign Areas:<bft<bftTechnique Utilized: QueenJStitch<bft<bftGift Boxed JJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516742615/0x500428429/33228076765508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEmbroiderers oftenJmadehtheirJownhembroidery tools such as pincushexts and neImle cases and embellmehImpthempwith theirJownhartistry and craftsmans 27. These delicate pin cushexts are worked in breghtly cocored silk utilizeng QueenJStitch,hthe mostJcomplicatempand time-01 suminghofhthe canvas-l okJstitches. The ss=ign eleme ws fea ureJgeometeic pa terns or a strawberry motif. The exact ss=ign ishrepea Improvthe backhofveachJpincushext. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEmbroiderers oftenJmadehtheirJownhembroidery tools such as pincushexts and neImle cases and embellmehImpthempwith theirJownhartistry and craftsmans 27. These delicate pin cushexts are worked in breghtly cocored silk utilizeng QueenJStitch,hthe mostJcomplicatempand time-01 suminghofhthe canvas-l okJstitches. The ss=ign eleme ws fea ureJgeometeic pa terns or a strawberry motif. The exact ss=ign ishrepea Improvthe backhofveachJpincushext.
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