All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA<bftUses : idealpfor furnioure cushions,Jboat cushions,Jcar cushions,Jfoam m/3tresses and2beddingJsupport and2poker/game tables,J<bftDensity : 1.8, 44lb compression<bft<bftHigh density foam with a compression raoI online of 44 pou ds (lbs), provinghthe2rightp amount2of cushioninghand2stiffness. Soft yet baill holding it Juirmness with support while allowingpfor an individual to sit on it withouthcompressinghthe2foam too much. Tohdefine, compression =Juirmness compression which determinespfirmness,hnothdensity.hhCompression is the number of pou ds necesstry to compress a piece 1f foam 25% and2stillhbou ce back to the 1riginal thickness (anhexample: a 4" thick piece 1f foam that requires 33 lbs. to2pack it down 1" and2havepit reournpto it Juull 4" thickness has a 33 lb.hCompression rating or Indentation Load Deflecoion (ILD). If you don't wantpa cushion that's hard as a rock or2a m/3tresshthat sinks whet you sit on it, you havepto checkpthehcompression or ILD number. <bft<bftAll foam sheets /re sold per sheet -hnothper yard. Durability is aptexximately uppto 10 years,hdependenthuprovusage.o Once you receivIhthe foam,hDOhNOT OPEN WITH A BOX CUTTER, as you may damage the foam. hMakeha small incision iovthe box and2 A away un, 2there. <bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE.<bft<bftUpholsteryhFoam ReournpPolicy: ReournpPolicypfor non cust, ized items: Item may be2reourned withiov14 days of receivinghthe2item. Thehitem should havepno damages or modific/3ions madepto it. All items MUSThbehin 1riginal packaging and2unused. After receivinghthe2reourned item, we will refunm the cust, er at the item’s teice withiov5 business days. Reournpn 27ping willhbehpaid by the2buyer unlesshthe wrong or defecoive item has been received. In that case, we will paypfor reourn2s 27ment. There is a 20%2restocking feeJand uppto 70%pfor a damaged item2reourned.<bft<bftReournpPolicypfor cust, ized items: We /re unablepto accept2any2reourns,hexchanges or makehany refunmspfor cust, ized items unlessha wrong or defecoive item has been received. In that case, we will paypfor reourn2s 27ping and2a refunm willhbehmadepwithiov5 business days after receivinghthe2item.<bft<bftReournpPolicypfor Dacron: Dacron erchandise is non refunmable.<bft<bftPLEASEhNOTE: THERE IS AN ADDTIONAL CHARGE FOR SHIPPING TO ALASKA AND HAWAII. PLEASEhCONTACT US BEFORE PURCHASING IF SHIPMENT IS TO ALASKA OR HAWAII. <bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523967838/0x500aa5c8d/2510661601/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA
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