An alternative to the traditional bouquet, this button and ribbon flower bouquet will last forever.
This is an elegant red and black bouquet...perfect for any wedding but especially those not so traditional ceremonies...goth, Halloween, vampire, steampunk.
This bouquet is what I would consider a petite bouquet. I'd say it's roughly the size of s softball. Not including the handle, it is approximately 5 inches in diameter and 4 inches high. The handle is 4 1/2 inches long.
There are approximately 60 handmade elements in this bouquet...hand-rolled satin ribbon flowers; button flowers that were painstakingly selected and combined with one another and some also include pearl and crystal beads; wired mini crystal vines.
The handle is wrapped with red satin ribbon. The bottom of the bouquet is covered with black satin and then finished off with black tulle. The interior of the bouquet has been also been filled with tufts of red tulle, so that in the few spots you can see between the flowers you won't be able to see the base. online
Product code: Red and Black online Button Bouquet Goth Steampunk Vampire Wedding