The Murasaki Bouquet - Origami bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, online Paper Flower Bouquet - Kusudama Deluxe
The Murasaki Bouquet
Kusudama paper folding is an art of Japanese origami style. Each flower is made of 5 separate hand folded pieces that come together to make a geometric bloom. They make a beautiful addition to weddings with their modern but elegant lines. Perfect for brides, bridesmaids, and flower girls alike!
This bouquet is made up of 50 kusudama flowers, each about 2-2.5 inches in diameter. It also includes about 12-15 spiral roses. The entire bouquet is about 9-10 inches in diameter and 12 inches tall, including the handle which is finished in a cream satin ribbon.
Dress up the centers of your blooms with rhinestones or pearls for an additional fee!
Custom colors available to your taste. Message me with your questions and I will make something that is uniquely you!
Murasaki Shikibu was a Japanese novelist, poet and lady-in-waiting at the Imperial court during the Heian period. She is best known as the author of The Tale of Genji, widely considered to be the world's first novel online, written in Japanese between about 1000 and 1012. Bouquet
“Beauty without colour seems somehow to belong to another world.”
― Murasaki Shikibu