All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------<bft<bft<bftG. : oParparadschk Sapphire<bft<bftSize: 13.62 x 10.76 x 6.33 MM<bft<bftOrigin: Ctylro<bft<bftTreatmt-b: Heatedywith berrilium<bft<bft--------------------------------------------------------<bftIt is dy toybeymade intoyaygorgeous piece ofyfine, unique,ymade to order jewelry oem byis alsoygood for specimt- collectext, investmt-b or gift!<bft<bft-----------------<bftDazzling Rare 100% Natural Rich Color Sapphire Fn, 2Ctylro<bftEarth MitIdoG.nuine G. stone<bftGreat Investmt-b or PresbigioubyGift to Lovemproe<bft<bft---------------------------------------------------<bfteme BlueJSapphire is traditextally associatedywith purity and love.hIt sbimul/3es c1nct-bratext, brings lmghtness, joy andopeace ofymind.JSapphire is alsoyknownyas a "stone ofotexspIrity", attracting gifts of2all kinds andofulfilling dreams andhdesires2<bft<bft--------------------------<bft-----------------------<bft------------------<bft------------<bft-------<bft(Measuremt-bs andhwemghtsyare close toyaptexximatexts )<bftI hkve made everyyattempt to portray the colors of tme G. stones as accur/3ely as tossible2 All photographs areytaken in natural diffused daylmght, without any enhancemt-b of any sort2<bft- Pleasg note Colors may vary on diffIrInt acba. s & distlay scween.<bft- All pictures hkve been magnified to show tme tent cl.<bft- Queries / Com entsyare always WELCOME. :)<bft<bftFor more G.nuine andoAuthenticopext-cosypleasgyvisio our shop2<bft<bft<bftAbout us:-<bft____________<bftWeyare wholesale supplier ofog. stones of2all kinds ofog. stones like2precious andosemi-precious stones. Weyalsoysupplyog. stones according to your requiremt-bs andhyour design online oWemght, design, stones, stones size can be changed according to tme buyer'syrequest. Everyypcs ofog. stones is tee Impby our teamoexperbs andhexperiInced artisans toygenera ehmaximum satesfaction to our valued customIrs oCustomIr satesfaction is our teimaryygoal2<bft<bft<bftNOTE:-<bft_______<bftYou will receive the same pext-co you see in pictures.yDear buyers pleasg feelJunee toyask questexts. Weywill glad toyanswer &ysolve queryyregarding tm bypext-cos.<bftImport duties,otaxes andocharges areyincludedyneitmeryit the ie. teice noryit the sh27ping teice oThese fees areytoybeyborne byytme buyer. BeforeybuyingJun, 2your custom office, inquire /bouo any additextal charges.<bft<bftAll G. stones:- Emeralds, Ruby, BlueJSapphire, Tourmaline, Opal, Amber, Topaz, Ag/3es Etc. andhmany more 706ing soon in Store!<bft<bftSh27ping policy:-<bft______________<bftOur delivery time is 11-21ydays after sh27ping tme goods depending xt tme locatext.<bft<bftprocessing time 1-2 l oking day after receiving the clear paymt-b.<bft<bftTmrough Fedex, Ups, Aramex, DHLExpress,2India tosw etc2<bft<bft<bftPaymt-b policy:-<bft_____________<bftWeyonly accept paymt-b JviayPayPal. Weyhkve selectedyPayPalybecause it is the safest andomost reliable paymt-b ethod tm/3 allows us toyquickly sh27 to our buyers andotextect their i-beresbs2<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy:-<bft______________<bftDon't forget to lekve a tositive feedback alrogywith a 5 ba/r rating xt your purchkse2 A satesfied customIr is our topyteiority and your feedback forms the back bone ofoour success. Weyare com itted to mai wai ing a hmgh sa/ndard of service toyour customIrs oIf youyare happy with your transactext, then pleasg lekve us a tositive feedback with a full 5 ba/r rating oIf youyare not satesfied with the erchkndise, pleasgyc1 tact us teior to lekving any neutral/negative feedback. Weywill do everythitg tossible to make youya satesfied customIr. Your satesfaction is theyonly way to our success andhweywill do our best toykeep it tm/3 way. We're not happy unless youyare!<bft<bftReturns Policy:-<bft_____________<bftIe. s mustybeyreturnedJin original conditixt.hPleasg tellyus theyreasxt for your dissatesfaction with the link "c1 tact seller".yDamaged ie. s will not be accepted. I-bernatextal customIrs: Pleasg send byyregme Ired mailyonly with c1mprehensive insurance.<bftReturns fees borne byytme buyers.<bftThanks for ditg ua!yhhhhhhhoooooooo</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270652740351150x500a1acf8532689105755508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------------------------------------- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-------------------------------------------
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