Product code: Alte Dogon Ritualische Holz Behälter Box online aus Mali, Afrika.
■■■■■ Dogon Stamm Ritualische Behälter aus Mali Einzelstück, sehr selten (!), aus meiner Privatsammlung ■■■■■
▪︎Größe: 148x34x40cm (HxBxT)
▪︎Gewicht: 10,5kg
▪︎Farbe: natürliche Patina, dunkel braun
▪︎Zustand: kleine Gebrauchspuren wie Splitter kleine aber sehbare Alterungsrisse (bitte Fotos ansehen)
▪︎Alter: min. 50-60 Jahre alt
▪︎Herkunft: Dogon Stamm, Mali
▪︎ Preis Netto: 989,00€
▪︎ Versand möglich: per Spedition Anfrage nötig oder DHL Groß Paket
▪︎ Selbstabholung in Köln nach Absprache
This is a beautifully deeply Carved Wood Figurative Dogon Tribal Ceremonial Bowl with two compartments smaller and a big one, that comes from Eastern Mali. This box is ornamented with the the online true Dogon iconography like lizards, snakes, leopards and a bird at the top. Containers or bowls such as this was used by the tribal elders or a Hogon, which is a religious figure. The Hogon may have inherited this position, or was selected by the village elders, to partake in certain ceremonial and ritual celebrations. This specific bowl is to store their fetish materials used in ceremonies or their personal possessions in. This Dogon bowl has a dark brown encrusted and partly oily patina.
This is a wonderful piece of Dogon Art that would look wonderful in your collection or your home.
》 Ich beantworte gerne jede Frage.《
„Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus.“
" Ich weise darauf hin das ich, Privatverkäufer bin, daher keine Rücknahme oder Umtausch oder Garantie möglich.".
▪︎Größe: 148x34x40cm (HxBxT)
▪︎Gewicht: 10,5kg
▪︎Farbe: natürliche Patina, dunkel braun
▪︎Zustand: kleine Gebrauchspuren wie Splitter kleine aber sehbare Alterungsrisse (bitte Fotos ansehen)
▪︎Alter: min. 50-60 Jahre alt
▪︎Herkunft: Dogon Stamm, Mali
▪︎ Preis Netto: 989,00€
▪︎ Versand möglich: per Spedition Anfrage nötig oder DHL Groß Paket
▪︎ Selbstabholung in Köln nach Absprache
This is a beautifully deeply Carved Wood Figurative Dogon Tribal Ceremonial Bowl with two compartments smaller and a big one, that comes from Eastern Mali. This box is ornamented with the the online true Dogon iconography like lizards, snakes, leopards and a bird at the top. Containers or bowls such as this was used by the tribal elders or a Hogon, which is a religious figure. The Hogon may have inherited this position, or was selected by the village elders, to partake in certain ceremonial and ritual celebrations. This specific bowl is to store their fetish materials used in ceremonies or their personal possessions in. This Dogon bowl has a dark brown encrusted and partly oily patina.
This is a wonderful piece of Dogon Art that would look wonderful in your collection or your home.
》 Ich beantworte gerne jede Frage.《
„Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus.“
" Ich weise darauf hin das ich, Privatverkäufer bin, daher keine Rücknahme oder Umtausch oder Garantie möglich.".