Router Templates (clear polycarbonate): "JUST THE HANDLES" online Template Pack Set of 10 Handles for Charcuterie / Serving Boards
#NeonBearWoodworks "JUST THE HANDLES" pack of TEN DIFFERENT handle shapes. NeonBearWoodworks official handle template set available here only on Etsy. Keep the live edge on the charcuterie board you've just made, then use one of these templates to make perfectly online shaped handles. Choose the handle template that fits best for every style of board you make. These handle router templates are CNC cut out of 1/4" clear polycarbonate and range from 6" to 7.5" long.
Double-stick tape the template down to your board, do your rough cuts using your bandsaw, then use your router's the flush trim bit with a guide bearing to trim down to the final shape. Use a roundover bit or sand down further for a more ergonomic feel.
So, why are my router templates made out of polycarbonate and not acrylic like everyone else's templates? I prefer polycarbonate for its strength. For example, acrylic has roughly 17x the impact resistance of standard glass vs polycarbonate's 250x the impact resistance of standard glass.