Whimsical Handmade Steampunk Decoupage Double Deck Playing Card Box. online Curious Antique Print. Fine Handmade Wood Box + 2 New Steampunk Decks!
To understate, this vintage hardwood box is a beauty. Purchased at auction, we dusted it off and look what we found! The miters and routing are elegant, the wood grain is choice. No apparent scratches, splits, or dings online. We can't take credit for any of the original woodwork, but what we did with it is what makes it so fun! On the lid's surface we affixed a wonderful antique decoupage Steampunk print. This is a true antique and not a print reproduction. More specifically, it is an original article illustration print from page 827 of the May, 1927, edition of the periodical "Popular Mechanics." It was the perfect Steampunk subject. The photo/illustration depicts a seated man wearing an experimental hood apparatus intended to help scientists determine how much oxygen is necessary to support life. In order to protect the print, we finished it in proper decoupage method with multiple acrylic top coats and then a final application of a hard furniture finishing wax. To top it off we loaded the box, which is divided for two card decks, with two new Bicycle brand limited edition "Steampunk Actuator" card decks. Black edition and white edition. The black edition also comes with an extra rare "print error" card. Created by veteran illustrator and card designer Lance Miller (http://www.facebook.com/LanceT.Miller). The card decks are new and exactly as they were found in their respective boxes - we only opened the boxes for photography. The decks are suitable for whist or poker. We will deliver the boxes with the cards. This is a one-of-a-kind and we're having a hard time letting this box go, but it begs to be used and not just left on a shelf to collect dust once again. Incidentally, the deck divider in the box can be removed in case you want to use the box for another purpose. Enjoy!
Approximately 6 inches (15 cm) across by 4.5 inches (11 cm) wide by 1.5 inches (3.5 cm) tall.