Yellow Wulfenite & white Druzy online Quartz Matrix Natural Mineral Reiki Chakra Spirit Stone Used for Meditation Crystal Healing Energy 347 Grams
Yellow Wulfenite & white Druzy Quartz Matrix Natural Mineral Reiki Chakra Spirit Stone Used for Meditation Crystal Healing Energy 347 Grams
Weight 347 Grams
Size 110 mm x 70 mm x 30 mm
Wulfenite is a lead molybdate that belongs to the Sulphate class of minerals. Its crystal system is tetragonal and it forms in both prismatic and squarish, tabular crystals. It can also appear in massive or granular habits. The colour of this stone is usually orange, red or yellow, but it can also be grey, brown or a greenish brown. The crystals are transparent to translucent with a vitreous lustre
Wulfenite is found in the upper oxidised parts of molybdenum and lead deposits. Due to the lead content in this crystal, handle with care and only make crystal essences with the indirect method.
You will receive the exact Wulfenite (golden yellow crystals) with Mimetite (olive-green online crystals) specimen shown. It used to be in private collection for many years. It could find its home in a new mineral collection, or it could be used for meditation or crystal healing.