ARTIST: Kassandra Riley
This tray was created in honor of our dearest Mother Earth! As humanity continues to shift and grow into a higher vibration, so does our beautiful planet. This tray was inspired by all the beautiful starseeds and lightworkers who know in their soul they are here to serve a greater purpose! It is time for humanity to embrace unconditional love, and unify! Instead of arguing over our differences...let's learn to find comfort and strength in our own truth!..and allow others to do the same! Only when you live your authentic truth can you inspire others to discover their own! Use the New Earth Tray to connect with your guides.. (angelic or galactic) and align with your soul mission in this lifetime! It's an exciting time to be alive! Embrace it!
INTENTIONS USED: More and more people will continue to awaken every day. Unconditional love. Unity consciousness. New earth frequency. Mission work. Humans will clear and release all karma keeping them stuck. All matrix manipulations and programming will be exposed, and no longer hold any power over humanity's ascension. The evil will be exposed and lose control. Calling all lightworkers! Calling all starseeds! Freedom. Mass awakening. Sovereignty. Freewill. The vibration of the planet is rising, and can't be stopped. Humanity is protected by the light. Projected fear no longer holds power over humanity. Humans are learning to not allow opposing beliefs to upset them, or trigger anger or irrational behavior that is not aligned with love. We are creating a world where it is okay to agree to disagree! Unity over polarity!
-CLEAR QUARTZ: "The Master Healer Stone". Used to cleanse and charge other crystals. Powerful amplifier/amplifies the energies of other crystals in close proximity. Enhances spiritual growth, awareness, wisdom, and psychic abilities. Brings balance to body and soul. Influences you to make decisions that align with both short and long term goals. Improves memory. Transmutes and releases negative energy that may be present in your environment. Can be used to amplify any purpose. Helps clear mental blocks and improves focus. Also promotes clarity, intuition, and protection. CHAKRA/S: Crown Chakra.
-AVENTURINE: Calls in prosperity. Enhances success within career endeavors. Reinforces leadership. Encourages perseverance. Diffuses negative emotions. Helps overcome obstacles. Aids in winning competitions. Increases wealth. Protects gardens and homes. Known to be the luckiest of all crystals. Releases old patterns, habits, and disappointment, so that new growth can take place. Aligns you with true friendship connections. Also promotes motivation, creativity, imagination, independence, balance, calmness, and compassion. CHAKRA/S: Heart Chakra.
-SODALITE: Known as the "Thinkers Stone". Encourages strong integrity. Balances your emotional body. Great stone for meditation and truth. Calms panic attacks. Calms the heart. Helps with public speaking. Aids in strong, clear communication. Stimulates creative ability. Strengthens mental and intuitive awareness. Assists in creating order. Connects you to your angels. Also promotes logic, intelligence, clear perception, self-trust, self-acceptance, and respect. CHAKRA/S: Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra.
Our Orgone Charging Trays will bring a fresh, positive energy to any room or office! Charging Trays are used for different kinds of spiritual practice SUCH AS:
-Cleansing and restoring your crystals to their full power and vibration.
-Clearing old energy from your Tarot or Oracle decks between/after readings.
-Charging Tarot or Oracle decks when not in use.
-Use it as a plate to charge your crystals on under the full moon.
-Can be used as a tool for any and all moon cycle rituals.
-Can be used as a tool for meditation.
-Can be used as a tool for spell work/manifestation and candle magic.
-Can be placed next to electrics to transmute electromagnetic frequencies, and raise the vibration of your space/home.
PLANTS LOVE ORGONITE! It will bring new life and vibrancy to your plants or garden!
We pour so much love and intention into our trays! Each Charging Tray holds a theme and purpose with intentions to match! These intentions are handwritten, and burned to ash through a manifestation ritual. This ash is then mixed into the resin, and infuses each board with its affirmations and abundance!
-CUSTOM TRAYS are also available to those of you who are looking for a piece that is personal, and uniquely your own! Custom boards allow you to choose your crystals and colors, as well as provide your own intentions!
-Please note that these items are handmade and tiny online defects are unavoidable.
Product code: New Earth Orgone Charging online Tray -galaxy