Product code: Beardsley Super Drape online Top
Size small but missing the size tag. Illustrator Aubrey Beardsley was never really about drawing things that were pretty or lighthearted – in fact, his whole online aim in life was to embrace the grotesque, both in his art and his personal style. This top features two of his best-known works: a macabre drawing from Oscar Wilde's play ‘Salome', and an illustration that accompanied an 1893 magazine article called ‘The Black Art'. This printed version of our classic super drape is light and silky, and can be worn as a cute little dress or as an extra long top over leggings. ** This is a limited product – once it's gone, it's gone forever, so get in quick! Composition: 86% Nylon, 14% Elastane Washing: Cold hand wash only Made in Australia.
Size small but missing the size tag. Illustrator Aubrey Beardsley was never really about drawing things that were pretty or lighthearted – in fact, his whole online aim in life was to embrace the grotesque, both in his art and his personal style. This top features two of his best-known works: a macabre drawing from Oscar Wilde's play ‘Salome', and an illustration that accompanied an 1893 magazine article called ‘The Black Art'. This printed version of our classic super drape is light and silky, and can be worn as a cute little dress or as an extra long top over leggings. ** This is a limited product – once it's gone, it's gone forever, so get in quick! Composition: 86% Nylon, 14% Elastane Washing: Cold hand wash only Made in Australia.