These were given to my mother from Newt Gingrig's wife when he was the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Never used or worn and have always been in the beautiful CRYSTAL BOX they're in currently. EXCELLENT CONDITION! online Like new! EXTREMELY RARE! They're GORGEOUS! Don't wait until it's too late! These are not a dime a dozen. As I said, THESE ARE RARE AS HIGHLY COLLECTIBLES COME! GREAT PRICE! GREAT CONVERSATION PIECE!.
These were given to my mother from Newt Gingrig's wife when he was the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Never used or worn and have always been in the beautiful CRYSTAL BOX they're in currently. EXCELLENT CONDITION! online Like new! EXTREMELY RARE! They're GORGEOUS! Don't wait until it's too late! These are not a dime a dozen. As I said, THESE ARE RARE AS HIGHLY COLLECTIBLES COME! GREAT PRICE! GREAT CONVERSATION PIECE!.