12 inch Blush Pink and White online bouquet, real touch roses, with pearls, lace, tulle, Quinceanera, Sweet 16, Bridesmaids, Wedding bouquet
This very pretty blush pink and white bouquet is approximately 12” and online is made using real touch roses, babys breath, tulle, scattered pearls and lace.
It is a great choice for your Bridal bouquet, Bridesmaid bouquet, Quinceanera and Sweet 16 - and terrific for a destination wedding. This bouquet travels well. If the flowers get a little crushed in transit, put them in a vase or sturdy container and smooth out with your finger. Let it rest and they will bounce back to their original shape in no time at all. Wonderful as a keepsake of your special day.
All our bouquets are sent using USPS Priority Mail. This takes approximately 1-4 business days to deliver. If you need to have your packages signed for, please make a note in the Comments area "Signature Required". The postal office charges $3.95 for this service, but you have piece of mind.
Thank you for looking at our shop and best wishes on your special occasion.
Original design.