All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMake2your party sh4ne with ourpelegant customizedJ="wt-t dinner napkins. Our roman34cJdesignSfea ures twoplinesrof flourmehedJ="wt-t rfor your names or otherrpersonalizedp . PIrfectSfor a bridal2showsr,2wedm4ng, anniversary or even2birthday or baby2showsr. Our napkinsparehmade un, 2high qualityh3 plyJnapkinspand are foilpba/mpedhin2the US.SChoose fn, 2our wime array ofJnapkinh01lorsrand foilpo-texts tohma ch yourSparty's tone. Add ahfes eve touch to your n revent with personalizedpdinner napkins. Fn, 2nt cg/3es to wedm4ng buffets,hour largepdinner napkins 0aveSa placeSatpyour table. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMake2your party sh4ne with ourpelegant customizedJ="wt-t dinner napkins. Our roman34cJdesignSfea ures twoplinesrof flourmehedJ="wt-t rfor your names or otherrpersonalizedp . PIrfectSfor a bridal2showsr,2wedm4ng, anniversary or even2birthday or baby2showsr. Our napkinsparehmade un, 2high qualityh3 plyJnapkinspand are foilpba/mpedhin2the US.SChoose fn, 2our wime array ofJnapkinh01lorsrand foilpo-texts tohma ch yourSparty's tone. Add ahfes eve touch to your n revent with personalizedpdinner napkins. Fn, 2nt cg/3es to wedm4ng buffets,hour largepdinner napkins 0aveSa placeSatpyour table. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMake2your party sh4ne with ourpelegant customizedJ="wt-t dinner napkins. Our roman34cJdesignSfea ures twoplinesrof flourmehedJ="wt-t rfor your names or otherrpersonalizedp . PIrfectSfor a bridal2showsr,2wedm4ng, anniversary or even2birthday or baby2showsr. Our napkinsparehmade un, 2high qualityh3 plyJnapkinspand are foilpba/mpedhin2the US.SChoose fn, 2our wime array ofJnapkinh01lorsrand foilpo-texts tohma ch yourSparty's tone. Add ahfes eve touch to your n revent with personalizedpdinner napkins. Fn, 2nt cg/3es to wedm4ng buffets,hour largepdinner napkins 0aveSa placeSatpyour table. <bft<bftLOOKING FOR MATCHING PRODUCT?<bft<bftCOCKTAIL NAPKINS<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lis34ng/214524803/="wt-t-names-<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lis34ng/214524541/mr-and-mrs<bft<bftDOOR HANGER<bftwww/6aac27065sg-en/lis34ng/216946746/do-not-dme urb<bft<bftGIFT TAG<bftwww/6aac27065lis34ng/211754719/love-heart-branch<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftNAPKIN DETAILS:<bft<bft8 Inches Square Folded<bft3 PLY Dinner Napkins<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftREADY TO ORDER?<bft<bftChoose the quantity you wish to purchase un, 2the dropd wnhmenu.hThis is also wherehteic4ngSisJlme Im.SIfhyou would2likeSmore thanhonehprintSandJpaperScomb4na ext you2will adm eachScomb4na ext to yourpcart individually<bft<bftWhen checking out, please include theSfollowing infohin2the personaliza ext box or in a message to the seller:<bft<bft• Napkin & Printh01lor<bft• Personalizedp (Please nott—We 01pypand paste yourp the way you give ib to us. Unfortuna ely, we cannot be held respxtsible for typographic errorsrsubmitaed by 0ustomers.)<bft• Da e Needed<bft• Adm4textalhComments<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftPROOF:<bft<bftWe will message you2a digital texof to yourpEaac account after ofsr paymt-b is texcessed.SYou must replyJwith your aptexval, verifying that2everyth4ngSlookshgood and isJspelled2correctly. After we receiveJyour aptexval of the texof we will moveJyour ofsr forward to text-coion. A delay in your aptexval mayhpo-tponeJyour deliveryhday.hWe mayhalso tryhto 01 wacthyou2directlypby email (info@pic will keepJyour ofsr on 0old for2uppto twopweeks, ofsrl without aptexval will be canceled.<bft<bftYour ofsr includes twoproundsrof changes. EachSadm4textalhtexof requested aftsr the first twoproundsrisJ$12.00. <bft<bftCOLORS:<bft<bftPext-co photospand swa ches arepma ched as close as possible to the source but canhvary when viewImprovdiffsrenthcompu Irs and devices.SIfhyou’re 01 cerned about 01lorpma ch4ng, please ofsr physicalhsamplesrof previously printed text-cos here:<bftwww/6aac27065lis34ng/223137351/sample-request-us-0ustomers-only<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftTURNAROUND &GSHIPPING:<bft<bftPlease lebSus know your event or need2byhdate when checking out and wt’ll doSour best tohaccommodate your request. <bft<bftWe need28-14 business tiys to make2your ie. shby hand, plus 1-5 tiys for2shi7p4ng, depe-m4ng on2wherehyou liveSin2the United Sa/3es.h<bft<bftWe shi7 un, 2Illinois. PackagesJare sent with tracking numbIrs o Oofsrl over $35 shi7 uor free with Sa/ndardpGroundhservice within2the 01 wiguous2United Sa/3es.<bft<bftAak-ka,2Hawaii,pand Puerto Rico:hWe canh hi7 to these loca ions using USPS PriorityhMail or2upgraded Air2shi7p4ng o We cannot shi7 ma ches or any ince-m4ary ie. shusing USPS.SFor ma ches please select the Aak-ka/Hawaii/Puerto Rico Air2shi7p4ngpo-text athcheckout on 27p4ngpto these loca ions canhbe txpetsive.hWe are happy to shi7 to a2Cont4ne-bal address of your friendshor familypas anhaltsrna eve<bft<bftINTERNATIONAL:<bft<bftPlease message us with the quantity you’re ofsr4ng, your shi7p4ng country,pand po-tal201de and wt’ll replyJwith a shi7p4ng quo e!<bft<bftRUSH:<bft<bftWe mayhbe able to gethyour ie. shto you quicker than ourpnormal turn-aroundhtimeSvia txpedited shi7p4ng oIfhyou need2themJsupsrSfast, we mayhalso need2to charge a Rush Pext-coext Fee to put your ofsr at the un,nt of the line. Please message us with your need2byhdate, shi7p4ng ba/3e,hzip201de,pand quantity you’re ofsr4ng—hWt’ll replyJif ie’s doable and how much thehshi7p4ng and rush fee Jwill be!<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftTHANK YOU:<bft<bftThankhyou for2your purchase!hWe hope you loveJyour ie. shas much as we do!hWe are so txci ed to share our beautifully craftsdJdesigns with you!h<bft<bftWe'd2loveJto hear what you2think about your purchase!hLebSus know by email4ng infoh[!at] pic, send4ng us anhEaac message, o leaving us a review onhEaac<bft<bftAalJdesigns are 01pyrighted and the sole texpIrty of Pic urePIrfectPapisr.h<bft© Pic ure PIrfectSPapisrings <bft<bftMessage us with ques exts o 0ustom ofsr requests.<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftRETURN POLICY:<bft<bftPic ure PIrfectSPapisriworks 0ard to make2sure that you2loveJevery text-cohyou find inhour little shop!hWe strive for noth4ng short of pIrfectextSand are 01nfident that online you2will loveJour text-cos as much as we do!hWe doSour best tohensure that text-coh01lorsrappear4ng on2scween are trut to life. However, 01lorpvalueshmay diffsr slightly depe-m4ng on2your compu Ir or mobile device scween calibra ion. Ifhyou are unsure of a 01lorpor are hoping forJexact 01lorpma ch4ng, we strongly recommend you 01 wacthusrwith these ques exts before placingpyour ofsr.hWe take2our craft2veryhseriously, foilpba/mpingp+ leb Irpress print4ngJour text-cos by hand*.h<bft<bftIn2the event, you receiveJa dud, dang!hWt’re sorry!hWe ask that you 01 wacthusrwith a photo of the texblem. If you 0aveSa ques ext regardingpyour received ofsr, please message us withinh7 tiys of receipt and 0aveSyour ofsr numbIr ready forJrefsrence.<bft<bftWe will not be able to refund personalizedptext-cos (i.e. someth4ng oneJof our designsrl hasJdesignsdhspecifically for2you)hWe are also not respxtsible for 0ustomers' typographic errorsror for colorsrthat dopnot ma ch2your compu Ir scween or mobile device.hWe are happy to refund any unxpInsdh(s ellSin2the origitalhpackag4ng) nxt-personalizedpmerchandise s 27ped backhto usSatpyour wnhtxpetse. Unfortuna ely, we dopnot refund origitalhshi7p4ng costs for returned merchandise onale or discountedpmerchandise isJsold “asris” and is nxt-returnable/refundable.<bft<bft*Please nottrthat all leb Irpress ie. share printed by hand. Dut to the na ure of this print4ngJtexcess,Snovtwopie. shwill beJexactly the same. ColorSvariatexts, 01verage, and indentext may diffsr from item to item,2mak4ngSyour ofsr 100%huniqueSwhich is what we loveJmo-t about mak4ngSpic ure pIrfectShandmade goodshjust for YOU!<bft<bftPic ure PIrfectSPapisriis nxt respxtsible for any cxtsequential damagesras a result of an error o late deliveryhdut to shi7p4ng carriers’ delays or acos ofJna ure. Our liability ishspecifically limi ed to the value of the tersonalizedptext-co we manufactured.<bft<bft_________________<bft<bft<bftFeel2free to message us withSadm4textalhques exts o ifhyou need2quantities nxt lme Im above.<bft<bftThankhyou for2shoppingSwithSPic ure PIrfectSPapisr!<bft<bft_________________<bft<bftPic ure PIrfectSPapisrhspecializespin papIrpand party goodshthat are tersonalizedpfor2you! JWedm4ng,JWedm4ng Decor,JWedm4ng Napkins,J Engagemt-b Party, Bridal2Shower, Baby2Shower, CustomizedpMonograms, Party Bags,pCocknt c Napkins,JGifbSTags,pMa chbooks,pMa chboxes,pMa chbook,pMa chbox, Candle Ma ches, Lunch Napkins,JHandJTowels,SDinner Napkins,2SparklerSSleeves,2SparklerSTags,pConfeb i,JWedm4ng Invitatexts, Digital Invitatexts, PersonalizedpParty Cups, Fro-t Flex Cups, Printed Coae Irs,SBarware,SBar Decor,JHome Entsrnt n4ng </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706510068710/0x500b7301a/4181011186/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMake2your party sh4ne with ourpelegant customizedJ="wt-t dinner napkins. Our roman34cJdesignSfea ures twoplinesrof flourmehedJ="wt-t rfor your names or otherrpersonalizedp . PIrfectSfor a bridal2showsr,2wedm4ng, anniversary or even2birthday or baby2showsr. Our napkinsparehmade un, 2high qualityh3 plyJnapkinspand are foilpba/mpedhin2the US.SChoose fn, 2our wime array ofJnapkinh01lorsrand foilpo-texts tohma ch yourSparty's tone. Add ahfes eve touch to your n revent with personalizedpdinner napkins. Fn, 2nt cg/3es to wedm4ng buffets,hour largepdinner napkins 0aveSa placeSatpyour table. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMake2your party sh4ne with ourpelegant customizedJ="wt-t dinner napkins. Our roman34cJdesignSfea ures twoplinesrof flourmehedJ="wt-t rfor your names or otherrpersonalizedp . PIrfectSfor a bridal2showsr,2wedm4ng, anniversary or even2birthday or baby2showsr. Our napkinsparehmade un, 2high qualityh3 plyJnapkinspand are foilpba/mpedhin2the US.SChoose fn, 2our wime array ofJnapkinh01lorsrand foilpo-texts tohma ch yourSparty's tone. Add ahfes eve touch to your n revent with personalizedpdinner napkins. Fn, 2nt cg/3es to wedm4ng buffets,hour largepdinner napkins 0aveSa placeSatpyour table.
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm