An Alternative Pet Care Technique is an effective at online home treatment using color therapy. It has save me a lot of money in vet bills.
Several years ago, I was blessed with a wonderful gift - a 4yr old purebred ragdoll cat, named Simba. He came to me very sick and I was told by 3 different vets to euthanize him. I could not understand how I would be given such a beautiful animal only to out him down the next day so I refused the vets advice. I found a vet that would work with me and Simba's alternative healing only if I agreed not to let the cat suffer. Of course I would not let him suffer. First thing I did was change his diet----a raw diet of ground chicken plus supplements. No more poor quality canned cat food and definitely no dry food. I also had 1/2 hour of energetic healing performed on the cat several times a week. I had studied colorpuncture and color therapy with Dr. Peter Mandel (a German chiropractor) in India. I set up a color therapy schedule based on the work of Darius Dinshah. Also once a week I would take Simba to the vet to have the fluid drained from his system so he could breathe online better. The vet agreed to the procedure only if he was not suffering and only for 6 times total. That gave me 6 weeks to get Simba back in shape. After a few weeks, the vet commented on how little fluid had to be drained from the cat and encouraged me to continue what I was doing although he didn't have a clue. Less than 2 months, no more vet visits and Simba was healing nicely.. I still kept him in a quiet room for another 2 months continuing the color treatment and finally after those 2 months ended, he was running around like a normal cat. I call him my miracle cat. Simba lived until 22 years old. Since that time I have used color therapy on my family as well as many cats and dogs with incredible success. Color Therapy Works
The initial equipment investment far outweigh the vet expense. By all means seek a vets advice first, however, there is a lot you can do to aid in the healing process that could save you money. This book details all the tools you will need as well as a specific guide on exactly how to treat your cat with the correct time and color to be used. The information in this book is invaluable.